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Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Microservices Architecture vs Monolithic Architecture

Difficulties with monolithic application, when it grow 

  • Large monolithic code base makes complicated to understand, especially for new developer
  • Scaling become challenging
  • Continuously integration / deployment become complex and time consuming. You may require dedicated team for build and deploy
  • Overloaded IDE, Large code base makes IDE slow, build time increase.
  • Extremely difficult to change technology or language or framework because everything is tightly coupled and depend up on each other.
Privilege with Microservice architecture, when it grow 
  • Each microservice is small and focused on a specific feature / business requirement.
  • Microservice can be developed independently by small team of developers (normally 2 to 5 developers).
  • Microservice is loosely coupled, means services are independent, in terms of development and deployment both.
  • Microservice can be developed using different programming language (Personally I don't suggest to do it).
  • Microservice allows easy and flexible way to integrate automatic deployment with Continuous Integration tools (for e.g: Jenkins, Hudson, bamboo etc..). The productivity of a new team member will be quick enough.
  • Microservice allows you to take advantage of emerging and latest technologies (framework, programming language, programming practice, etc.).
  • Microservice is easy to scale based on demand. In a nutshell, monolithic vs microservice architecture is like elephant vs ant approach. What you wants to build a giant system like elephant or army of ant, small, fast and effective.

SOA vs Microservices Architecture

Built on the idea of “share-as-much-as-possible” architecture approach Built on the idea of “share-as-little-as-possible” architecture approach
More importance on business functionality reuse More importance on the concept of “bounded context”
Common governance and standards Relaxed governance, with more focus on people collaboration and freedom of choice
Uses enterprise service bus (ESB) for communication Uses less elaborate and simple messaging system
Supports multiple message protocols Uses lightweight protocols such as HTTP/REST & AMQP
Common platform for all services deployed to it Application Servers not really used. Platforms such as Node.JS could be used
Multi-threaded with more overheads to handle I/O Single-threaded usually with use of Event Loop features for non-locking I/O handling
Use of containers (Dockers, Linux Containers) less popular Containers work very well in MSA
Maximizes application service reusability More focused on decoupling
Uses traditional relational databases more often Uses modern, non-relational databases
A systematic change requires modifying the monolith A systematic change is to create a new service
DevOps / Continuous Delivery is becoming popular, but not yet mainstream Strong focus on DevOps / Continuous Delivery

Friday, 11 December 2015

Dependency Injection

People are often confused about what Dependency Injection is and when they might need or want to use it. Some time ago I wrote an article Managing Dependency Injection in C# with Autofac which explains how to manage DI in C#, but today I want to show by simple code sample what actually Dependency Injection is.
Imaging situation where you have a class, let's say Employee, and two or more different loggers for that class. Each logger prints messages in his own particular way and you want to have control of which logger to use for Employee during its instantiation.
Just take a look at this code and I'm sure you will get the idea of Dependency Injection:

public class Employee
    public Employee(ILogger logger)
        logger.WriteToLog("New employee created");
public interface ILogger
    void WriteToLog(string text);
public class LoggerOne : ILogger
    public void WriteToLog(string text)
public class LoggerTwo : ILogger
    public void WriteToLog(string text)
        Console.WriteLine("***********\n {0}\n***********", text);
Now let's instantiate an Employee with two different loggers:

Employee employee1 = new Employee(new LoggerOne());
Employee employee2 = new Employee(new LoggerTwo());
And the output:
New employee created
New employee created

The advantages of using Dependency Injection pattern and Inversion of Control are the following:

•Reduces class coupling

•Increases code reusing

•Improves code maintainability

•Improves application testing

Thursday, 10 December 2015

When interface and when abstract class

If you anticipate creating multiple versions of your component, create an abstract class. Abstract classes provide a simple and easy way to version your components. By updating the base class, all inheriting classes are automatically updated with the change. Interfaces, on the other hand, cannot be changed once created. If a new version of an interface is required, you must create a whole new interface.
    If the functionality you are creating will be useful across a wide range of disparate objects, use an interface. Abstract classes should be used primarily for objects that are closely related, whereas interfaces are best suited for providing common functionality to unrelated classes.
If you are designing small, concise bits of functionality, use interfaces. If you are designing large functional units, use an abstract class.
If you want to provide common, implemented functionality among all implementations of your component, use an abstract class. Abstract classes allow you to partially implement your class, whereas interfaces contain no implementation for any members.

Example(a very rudimentary one!):Consider a base class called Customer which has abstract methods like CalculatePayment(), CalculateRewardPoints() and some non-abstract methods like GetName(), SavePaymentDetails().

Specialized classes like RegularCustomer and GoldCustomer will inherit from the Customer base class and implement their own CalculatePayment() and CalculateRewardPoints() method logic, but re-use the GetName() and SavePaymentDetails() methods.

You can add more functionality to an abstract class(non abstract methods that is) without affecting child classes which were using an older version. Whereas adding methods to an interface would affect all classes implementing it as they would now need to implement the newly added interface members.

Method Overloading in

Method Overloading means to have two or more methods with same name in the same class with different arguments. The benefit of method overloading is that it allows you to implement methods that support the same semantic operation but differ by argument number or type.

Important Points

    Overloaded methods MUST change the argument list
    Overloaded methods CAN change the return type
    Overloaded methods CAN change the access modifier
    Overloaded methods CAN declare new or broader checked exceptions
    A method can be overloaded in the same class or in a subclass

You can not overload the function by differ only their return type . You can only overload the function in following ways

    Parameter types
    Number of parameters
    Order of the parameters declared in the method

You can not come to know which function is actually called (if it was possible).

One more thing I would like to add is function overloading is providing a function with the same name, but with a different signature. but the return type of a method is not considered as a part of method's signature.

using System;

namespace ProgramCall

    class Class1

        public int Sum(int A, int B)
            return A + B;

        public float Sum(int A, float B)
            return A + B;

    class Class2 : Class1
        public int Sum(int A, int B, int C)
            return A + B + C;


    class MainClass
        static void Main()

            Class2 obj = new Class2();

            Console.WriteLine(obj.Sum(10, 20));

            Console.WriteLine(obj.Sum(10, 15.70f));

            Console.WriteLine(obj.Sum(10, 20, 30));



Facade Pattern

Facade Pattern:
Facade pattern falls under Structural Pattern of Gang of Four (GOF) Design Patterns in .Net. The Facade design pattern is particularly used when a system is very complex or difficult to understand because system has a large number of interdependent classes or its source code is unavailable. In this article, I would like share what is facade pattern and how is it work?

What is facade Pattern:
Facade pattern hides the complexities of the system and provides an interface to the client using which the client can access the system.
This pattern involves a single wrapper class which contains a set of members which are required by client. These members access the system on behalf of the facade client and hide the implementation details.
The facade design pattern is particularly used when a system is very complex or difficult to understand because system has a large number of interdependent classes or its source code is unavailable.

In Factory pattern, we create object without exposing the creation logic. In this pattern, an interface is used for creating an object, but let subclass decide which class to instantiate. The creation of object is done when it is required. The Factory method allows a class later instantiation to subclasses.

Abstract factory pattern

Design patterns:

Design patterns are general reusable solutions to common problems that occurred in software designing. There are broadly 3 categories of design patterns, i.e., Creational, Behavioral and Structural.

Abstract factory pattern in very useful in GUI based applications where we need to create related GUI components. My example here is solely for the purpose of understanding and there is no way the "Cell-phone-information-system" be designed this way (otherwise we will end up adding new classes every week). Please do let me know if I missed something. Perhaps for the experienced guys this article is not very useful but it could really be useful for beginners.

It is used to create a set of related objects, or dependent objects. Internally, Abstract Factory use Factory design pattern for creating objects. It may also use Builder design pattern and prototype design pattern for creating objects. It completely depends upon your implementation for creating objects. 

What is Abstract Factory Pattern?
Abstract Factory patterns acts a super-factory which creates other factories. This pattern is also called as Factory of factories. In Abstract Factory pattern an interface is responsible for creating a set of related objects, or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.

When to use it?

    Create a set of related objects, or dependent objects which must be used together.
    System should be configured to work with multiple families of products.
    The creation of objects should be independent from the utilizing system.
    Concrete classes should be decoupled from clients.


    Internally, Abstract Factory use Factory design pattern for creating objects. But it can also use Builder design pattern and prototype design pattern for creating objects. It completely depends upon your implementation for creating objects.
    Abstract Factory can be used as an alternative to Facade to hide platform-specific classes.
    When Abstract Factory, Builder, and Prototype define a factory for creating the objects, we should consider the following points :
        Abstract Factory use the factory for creating objects of several classes.
        Builder use the factory for creating a complex object by using simple objects and a step by step approach.
        Prototype use the factory for building a object by copying an existing object.