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Thursday, 10 December 2015

Abstract factory pattern

Design patterns:

Design patterns are general reusable solutions to common problems that occurred in software designing. There are broadly 3 categories of design patterns, i.e., Creational, Behavioral and Structural.

Abstract factory pattern in very useful in GUI based applications where we need to create related GUI components. My example here is solely for the purpose of understanding and there is no way the "Cell-phone-information-system" be designed this way (otherwise we will end up adding new classes every week). Please do let me know if I missed something. Perhaps for the experienced guys this article is not very useful but it could really be useful for beginners.

It is used to create a set of related objects, or dependent objects. Internally, Abstract Factory use Factory design pattern for creating objects. It may also use Builder design pattern and prototype design pattern for creating objects. It completely depends upon your implementation for creating objects. 

What is Abstract Factory Pattern?
Abstract Factory patterns acts a super-factory which creates other factories. This pattern is also called as Factory of factories. In Abstract Factory pattern an interface is responsible for creating a set of related objects, or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.

When to use it?

    Create a set of related objects, or dependent objects which must be used together.
    System should be configured to work with multiple families of products.
    The creation of objects should be independent from the utilizing system.
    Concrete classes should be decoupled from clients.


    Internally, Abstract Factory use Factory design pattern for creating objects. But it can also use Builder design pattern and prototype design pattern for creating objects. It completely depends upon your implementation for creating objects.
    Abstract Factory can be used as an alternative to Facade to hide platform-specific classes.
    When Abstract Factory, Builder, and Prototype define a factory for creating the objects, we should consider the following points :
        Abstract Factory use the factory for creating objects of several classes.
        Builder use the factory for creating a complex object by using simple objects and a step by step approach.
        Prototype use the factory for building a object by copying an existing object.

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